Infinity Drop Event

Guide & Rules

This document is prepared for those who wish to participate in the Infinity Drop and strive for maximum success. Here, you will find all the necessary information, rules and roles of participation, instructions, and tips.

Infinity Drop Event is one of the first public initiatives aimed at rewarding and encouraging active participants in the testing and development phase of the innovative Cyclone Blockchain technology.

As part of this initiative, special ownership tokens will be distributed to the finalists.


Cyclone Owner Token (#COT)

Holders of #COT will receive a % of the total network emission. #COT confirms your ownership of a share in the network’s Validator License. The native network coin #CYCL will be automatically send to the Cyclone wallet of the #COT holder systematically and Infinity from the moment the Mainnet is launched. In simpler terms, this is a piece of the printing press that gives you coins automatically as they are minted.

As the network grows and demand for validators increases, the value of COT rises. This means that COT is a most valuable and highly speculative asset of the Cyclone network. The supply of COT does not increase over time, and owning it means a steady profit from all network transaction fees.

As Cyclone develops and the community and active projects within the network grow, the number of transactions on the blockchain will increase, leading to an increase in the total network emission, which in turn will boost your passive income as a holder of #COT.

(We recommend thoroughly studying all the distinctive features of our technology to truly understand the full value of this reward!)

How to participate?

Anyone can join, to participate you need to:

  1. Create a CYCL Wallet - This is a non-custodial wallet of the Cyclone Blockchain (Bitcoin Cryptography). > [Link to Install Google Extension ] IMPORTANT! Do not forget to save your private key in a safe place and never show or share it with anyone! (You can find your private key in the Wallet "More" menu > Acc details & Key section).

  2. Complete the Participant Application Form by fulfilling the required actions. You can find the application form on our website's > Drop page [Link].

  3. Wait for the Event to start - Explore the features of the technology, meanwhile devising your cunning plans and clever tricks to outpace everyone at the start.

  4. AFTER THE START: Perform actions characteristic of your primary role or any actions that are generally possible within this program to become one of the finalists.


The Infinity Drop Event is designed for three main types of participants: Developer, Enthusiast, Social.

All participants compete within their chosen category. Developers are evaluated based on the income generated by the smart contracts they create. Enthusiasts earn points for claiming test tokens, making transactions, and interacting with unique developer contracts and the network itself. Social participants earn points for each new participant they bring in who becomes active through their personal referral link, as well as for actively supporting and spreading information about the Cyclone Blockchain project.

⚠️ The initial role choice does not limit your participation in other roles; you can engage in all categories simultaneously and compete for rewards in each!


For developers interested in innovative technologies, passionate about creating smart contracts, and enhancing the decentralized world.

Create your own diverse smart contracts or test mini-projects and earn points each time participants interact with them. The more test CYCL coins your contract earns, the more points you will receive.

1 CYCL = 1 Income point.


  • Don’t limit yourself to a single contract; we will sum up the income points of all your contracts in the ranking. (SM Tutorial)

  • Feel free to ask other participants to interact with your smart contract in the Discord channel #drop_events as they will also earn points for doing so.

  • Role "Enthusiast" , are interested in contracts that can multiply their test coins, perhaps with the risk of betting or passively in the period - you decide.


For beginners in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, as well as experienced Drop Hunters.

Enthusiasts earn points for performing simple actions:

  1. Claiming Test CYCL Coins = 10 points (Once a day)

    You can claim 10 test coins several times a day by creating a CYCL Wallet and entering your wallet address in the Faucet.

  2. Making P2P Transactions = 10 points (Once a day) You earn points for every transaction you make.

  3. Interacting with Unique Smart Contracts = 30 points (Once a day) By interacting with and sending test CYCL coins to unique smart contracts created by participants and developers, you earn points. You can find participants' smart contracts in the Developer Leaderboards or ask in the Discord channel #drop_events

⚠️ At the end of the event, to determine your final rank in the Enthusiast Role, your points will be considered, along with the total amount of CYCL coins in your wallet, at a rate of 10,000 coins = 1 point.

Tip: Don’t hoard your test coins; instead, find interesting smart contracts from participant developers that can help you earn and win more CYCL coins faster.


For active social media users who are ready to use their talents, activity, and creativity for promotion and participation.

1. Invite a Friend and Referral Link In the participant dashboard, your personal referral link will always be available:

Each new participant who decides to join the event brings you +100 points.

Tip: Creating interesting and diverse content about the project, such as memes, reviews, articles, discussions, and attaching your personal referral link to this content increases the likelihood of not only attracting new participants but also your potential future profit from the project’s success.

2. Social Support for the Project For interacting with the official Х(Twitter) posts of the project @Cyclone_Chain

  • Like +10 points

  • Comment +20 points

  • Repost +30 points

  • Repost with Quote +35 points

Tracking Progress: | Active Leaderboard

Your personal progress and the overall leaderboard for all participants will be available on the Drop page (provided you are logged in using your Account X (Twitter) and have previously filled out the participant application form).

Recognition of Participants' Talents and Achievements During the Event

Web3 is full of unique individuals and amazing cases. Therefore, the team has included the possibility of manually awarding points to thank participants for showcasing their talents.

Explanation: A developer might create a unique solution that benefits participants or the entire network. Your meme about the project might go viral on social media. Or you could create a high-quality article, review, or other content about the project which will be delicious.

The world is multifaceted, and we want to be prepared for your surprises—don't hesitate to share them with us on Discord.

  • Small contribution +50-100 points

  • Significant contribution +200-500 points

  • Major contribution +500-1000 points

Team may also have urgent tasks that require the community's support. Similar reward tasks may appear in the Discord channel #drop_events

Rule: The team is not allowed to reward participants they know personally—all manual rewards and the reasons for them must be announced and published within the community!

Reward Distribution:

10,000 COTs will be distributed across three categories (for the three Roles):

  • 5,000 - for Developers and Creators

  • 2,000 - for Enthusiasts and Drop Hunters

  • 3,000 - for Socially Active Individuals and Influencers

Rewards will be given out according to the leaderboard based on the number of points each participant has earned within their roles.

⚠️ No Limit on the Quantity of Rewarded to a Single Person! This means you can earn more than one "#COT" by showcasing your skills and talents. The best Participants' get more!

So, how much will I get? Since the economy of our network is dynamically managed by a neural network and a machine learning system, creating an entirely new type of self-regulating cryptocurrency, it is impossible to calculate the exact amount precisely! Based on all our knowledge and analyzing the development of past Layer 1 technologies, we anticipate the following "average scenario."

Is it possible to get 100+? - Yes, we anticipate scenarios where a participant can drastically outperform everyone else.

Hint: Cooperation between participant roles is the key to success.

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🚀 Thank you for being part of our journey - we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


  • Inappropriate Behavior: Use of obscene language, insults towards other participants or project representatives, spamming in chats or social networks, promoting violence, hatred, or discrimination.

  • Copyright Infringement: Use of content protected by copyright without the necessary permissions.

  • Multi-accounting and Use of Bots: Excessive automation of task completion through bots and multiple accounts is a violation of the rules.

  • Fraud: Any actions aimed at deceiving the project or other participants may result in disqualification.


  1. When's the official start of the event?

    We plan to launch the event 1 - 1,5 months after the announcement. (October)

  2. Will I incur any financial expenses for participating in the event and during the tasks?

    No, by default, the event design is completely free for participants. If the team may requires testing cross-chain interactions functionalities (such as bridges and similar), which may involve transaction fees on other networks, these tasks will be classified as manual reward types, and participants will be notified in advance or other rewards will be allocated for these tasks.

  3. #COT: In the reward table indicates that the token will generate profit for 3 years. Is that correct?

    No, it’s infinite! As long as the network grows and operates, both the token and the income it generates will continue to grow. (That’s why the event is called Infinity Drop.)

  4. What is the Сore philosophy of the Project and the Team's goal?

    The team is unwavering in its unified vision of the future: Where money must always remain an open tool for the world, accessible to every person 24/7, anywhere. Money should be free from centralized and human control! In the new financial system of the future, there should be no place for human discretion or manipulation. The management of the mint must be handed over to an impartial, decentralized, autonomous, self-regulating, and dynamically self-learning system, beyond the reach of any human factor. In the name of progress and for the sake of financial freedom and independence.

  5. How long do you plan to be in the Testnet phase?

    We expect to complete all major technical work within 9-12 months. However, since one of the main goals of our testnet is to train and fine-tune our economic ML systems and algorithms, the testing period may be extended to achieve the necessary economically stable model and the best performance of the entire system.

  6. If I fall just a few points short of making it onto the reward list, it’s obvious that I won’t receive a reward! But what does the team plan to do for participants who have put in a lot of effort?

    Participants who have a score close to the reward threshold will be added to a list of wallets with privileges. Depending on the stage of the project and the capabilities of the team, these wallets receive alternative rewards in recognition of their contribution. We remind you that Infinity Drop is just one of our planned initiatives for the Network Grow. Our success and opportunities are directly proportional to the efforts and contributions of the community, and we fully understand this.

  7. #COT: How will I receive my reward?

    Cyclone Owner Tokens will be minted as Wrapped tokens on the Polygon network before the event begins. Before Cyclone launches on the Mainnet, the team will pause the event, finalize the scores, and create the "Reward List." After the Mainnet launch, we will bridge the COTs to our chain and distribute the Original COTs to all finalist participants in their Cyclone Wallets.

👉 [ Join to Infinity Drop Event] 👈

Last updated